Category Archives: Agile

Productive teams, powerful results

Happy, empowered teams are orders of magnitude more impactful than mercenary developers. Developers need: Autonomy Psychological Safety Time to focus Time to innovate For everything you need to know about productive development teams, read Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (Amazon) High-Performing Teams Need Pyschological Safety (HBR Article)

Lean learning machine

Building lean products is the best way to learn and iterate to success. Kanbanize Lean Management The 5 Lean Principles The lean product playbook The Lean Startup Sprint (How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days)

Understanding Roadmaps

The following article and book explain roadmaps better than I can, so I’ll be brief. Roadmaps are a tool for communicating direction. They are not a gantt chart, and they are not a rock-solid commitment. Certainty degrades over time, and roadmaps should only be detailed enough to communicate direction over time, without becoming a burden…

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Accurate Software Estimation

Agile software estimating. PLACEHOLDER DRAFT Accuracy vs Precision Explain Cone of uncertainty Explain Great book on estimation: Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (Steve McConnell) Anyone interested improving their agile estimation skills should take: Estimating with story points Agile Estimating and Planning Additional reading: